Real Estate Brokerage Services Serving Nebraska and Iowa
Contact Us: 402-375-3385 - 206 Main St. Wayne, NE 68787

Reason #5

A Proven Market Plan - When you list with Midwest Land Company, our professional selling expertise enables us to develop a marketing plan for your property that gets results!

Spring is in the air and you are thinking about selling your home. Now is the time to spruce up your home and make it stand out on the market!

  1. Curb appeal: This is your first impression, create an inviting front. Pick up any debris or clutter in the yard, trim bushes, and touch up paint if needed.  Also clear sidewalks and be sure buyers can read the house number. 
  2. Clean, Clean, Clean: A house that shines will sell faster than a house that needs attention.  Buyers can look past many things, but when a house is in need of a good cleaning, the price goes down. Your efforts in this area are directly related to the selling price and days on the market.
  3. Tackle the Clutter:  Less is more when it comes to getting your home ready to show.  Buyers want to come in and see possibilities, but they can’t do that with a ton of personal items staring at them. Pack up anything that isn’t essential including: newspapers, personal photos, magazines, toys, and other little items.
  4. Fix the small things:Buyers notice leaky faucets, holes in drywall, and door knobs that don’t work properly. They may think where there is one problem, there are more. Fixing these items now can alleviate doubt later.
  5. Unattach yourself from the house:The less emotionally attached you are to the house, the easier selling can be. Tell yourself it is time to let someone else enjoy the home and move forward. Visualize yourself in your new home!

Thank you for all your comments and questions. I’d love to hear more, email me today at