Real Estate Brokerage Services Serving Nebraska and Iowa
Contact Us: 402-375-3385 - 206 Main St. Wayne, NE 68787

Reason #5

A Proven Market Plan - When you list with Midwest Land Company, our professional selling expertise enables us to develop a marketing plan for your property that gets results!

Selling and Buying Tips:



You usually only get one chance to make a good impression so put your home's best foot forward now!  Stand out above the competition.



  • Apply a fresh coat of paint in a neutral color where needed.  Nothing adds value like a fresh coat of paint! Never allow peeling or cracking paint to make buyers wonder what else may be going on.
  • Clean windows inside and out until they sparkle.  Be sure the view can be appreciated and seen clearly. 
  • Repair cracked panes and loose putty.  A little time spent here can save you money and questions later.
  • Tighten loose knobs and other hardware on doors and cabinets around the house. 
  • Spot clean carpets or if necessary, clean all carpets.  A good professional cleaning can save you money on replacing carpets!
  • Repair, wash, iron and re-hang curtains or dry-clean drapes.
  • Make sure all areas including basements and attics are also well lit and  “cobweb free.”
  • Fix any leaking plumbing or slow drains.   Many buyers will reduce their offer because of plumbing issues and may cost you much more than the repairs do.



  • Steady Income: Knowing that you can consistently make your house payment is key to being ready to purchase your first home.
  • Down Payment: Do you have money saved for a down payment? The more money you have ready, the stronger you are to lenders and sellers.
  • Credit Score: You should know what your credit score is. Check your credit report for any late payments or items that should have been taken off long ago.  Work to get your credit score as high as possible.
  • Debt Ratio: What are your monthly expenses versus your income? Lenders have strict guidelines concerning debt ratios. Keeping your expenses low compared to your income can help you purchase the home you want.
  • Hire a buyer's agent:  Have an agent on your side to help with; negotiating, writing offers, setting up inspections, and finding just the right home for you.  These things can make a real difference in the process of obtaining your next purchase.


If you have successfully worked out these areas, you may well be ready to start looking for your first home!